Thursday, 25 October 2012

First Aid Kit

I'm willing to bet that there are a handful of you who have already heard of this folk due from Sweden? However, being that their latest release was earlier this year I'm going to draw a long bow and attempt to label it as 'new' music, for this week I hope that you can allow me to indulge.

I had always planned to cover these guys at some stage but the longer time went on the less 'new' I felt they were. It was a song called 'Lion's Roar' that first took me by surprise, a completely honest and beautiful approach to music that in this day and age is almost a forgotten art.

Simplicity is the backbone of folk music, the combination of a heartfelt story, a guitar and a voice that captures the imagination.  The difference between this folk act and most is almost indescribable, it's a touch of musical magic that you very rarely find, a believability that is unquestioned and the ability to force the listeners eyes closed as they deliver a story that is not only being told but has also been lived.

First Aid Kit is the collaboration of Klara and Johanna Söderberg, a sister act that began performing and composing music together in 2007 before a YouTube cover of "Tiger Mountain Peasant Song" by Fleet Foxes went viral and ultimately led to them performing the song on stage with the band.  Their vocal harmonies are sublime as their voices complement each others' to perfection.  Put in it's simplest form First Aid Kit have everything that is inherent with all the great folk singers of days past, and being that they have only just begun there are big things in store for them in years to come.

The final straw that lead to this review was the track 'Wolf', the more I hear the more I fall in love.....  Below is two links, the first is the Title track to their 2012 release 'Lions Roar' and the second is their latest release 'Wolf'.  If you've made it this far please leave a comment and visit my facebook page to share your support!

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