Thursday, 18 October 2012


Those who know me best would be well aware of my feelings surrounding the 80's music era, lets just say it's not my favourite.  If your a fan of the 80's and The MATTador then don't despair, this week is for you.

'HAIM' (pronounced hime)- a Californian based sister trio (and a male drummer), attribute their musical influences to their parents or as they are affectionately know 'Momma and Papa Haim'.

Information, details, influences and all the other info that comes to the for when a new band hits the scene is like trying to find a guitar pick in a mosh pit, however I am willing to bet my rep on the fact that there will be a flood of press and hype on these girls over the next 12 months.

The sisters Alana (19), Danielle (22) and Esta (24) have it all, the looks the voices and to top it off quality musical skills.  Music played a major part in their upbringing, they played in a family band known as 'Rockinhaim through middle school touring the local fares and charity learning their craft.

More interested in the pop music being played on local radio than their parents folksy band caused the 3 to break loose and form their own band four years ago.  Ever since they have been working hard on forming their own sound and in my humble opinion have done a smashing job of it.

Blending the synthy pop feel of the 80's & 90's, a touch of R&B and the structure of an old rock band HAIM have a sound that is all of their own.  Beautiful voices, guitar and insatiable pop hooks have these sweet Californian girls standing at the top of the new music tree.   

The 4 track EP 'Forever' (their only release to date) is available through iTunes and is definitely worth the coin they are charging.  So put ya leg warmers on and get a bit of HAIM into ya lives!

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